Finishing Touches ~ Happy at Home

Thursday 14 May 2009

Finishing Touches

A whole two years ago we remodeled the back of our house and the old kitchen became a utility room while we made a much larger kitchen in the old dining room. I loved my new kitchen and wanted it to be perfect but I never got around to getting kitchen curtains to complete the room decoration.

Now the kitchen windows are large and not overlooked (they just look out into the garden. They have beautiful plants on the window sill but I always thought curtains or blind would finish off the kitchen nicely.

However two years on, it isn't going to happen I can see. The room could do with repainting again already. It still looks good but I can see that a lick of paint would be good - all that greasy air and steam plays havoc with any kitchen decor and I can't see myself paying a lot for curtains or blinds and hanging them up there.

So if you redecorate a room, don't do what I did and be sure to finish it right away. Just don't get too used to how the room is without the finishing touches or you might never get them.

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